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Manuscripts and Historical Materials owned by the Montgomery County Historical Society

By Barry Morton, Curator, MCHS, May 2016.


Please call ahead to make an appointment to view these documents.


Framed I

55.226 A.H. Conner to Henry S Lane, April 30th, 1860, appointing the latter a delegate to the GOP national convention.

55.229 Invitation to Mrs Henry S Lane to Abraham Lincoln Inaugural Ball, March 4th, 1861.

55.236.1 Discharge of Albert F Hornbaker, Indiana 135th Regiment, December 15th, 1864.

55.302 Funeral Invitation. James Aiken Elston, Crawfordsville, November 9th, 1849.

55.1182 18th Battery, Indiana Artillery (aka Lilly’s Light Artillery), Lithograph with names of men in service, 1862.

55.1333 Campaign Ribbon for William Henry Harrison, 1840 Presidential Campaign

55.1365 Poster/broadside announcing speech by Owen Lovejoy, Ridge Farm,  14th October 1858.

55.1415 Commission of Henry S Lane as Major of 1st Regiment of Indiana Volunteers by Governor James Whitcomb, June 20th, 1846.

2007.A.5 Governor David Wallace to Henry S Lane, August 26th, 1840.


Framed II


55.1735 Muster Roll of the 86th Indiana Regiment. N.d. lists servicemen with deaths, transfers fairly complete.

55.1736 Honorary Degree, University of Chile, 20th September, 1911, awarded to Henry Lane Wilson, US Ambassador to Chile.

00.3.1 Title Deed of James Barnes, to parcel of eighty acres, purchased at Crawfordsville , dated 3rd January, 1832.

00.15.1 Title Deed of Jacob Bowman, to parcel of eighty acres, purchased at Crawfordsville , dated 2nd  April, 1829


Box 45 Miscellaneous

55.557-8 World War II Ration Book Holders and enclosed ration cards and stamps, Walter and Verna Turnipseed, Darlington Indiana.

55.1249 Graded 4th Grade Spelling Book, Catherine Martin, Crawfordsville, probably late 1800s.

55.1602 Wedding Certificate Booklet, Joseph Castle Rey6nolds and Martha Helen Garver, 26th September, 1905, Crawfordsville.

2009.3.13 World War II Ration Book Holder and enclosed ration cards and stamps, Mildred and Creighton Crowder, Crawfordsville.


Box 61 Miscellaneous 

1963.1.1 German Language Bible, printed by C. Saur, Germantown, PA., 1776. Previously owned by Ladoga Church of the Brethren.

1963.1.2 Document donating 1963.1.1 to Ladoga Church of the Brethren by Peffley family, 11th November 1883.


Box 93 Miscellaneous

55.1251.1 A J Stewart to Martha Stewart, Vicksburg Mississippi, December 27th, 1863.

55.1693 Fascimile of General Robert E Lee’s Farewell Address to the Army of Northern Virginia, April 10 1865.

55.1709 S. Miller to Mrs J Gerig, January 16, 1914.

55.1710 Aunt Belle to Bessie Campbell, Linden Indiana, May 11th, 1909.

55.1759.1-30 Documents and photographs relating to James F White’s appointment to a Naval Aviation unit, May 1955.

1991.2.1 James Heaton to Isaac Wade, Crawfordsville February 15th, 1837

1991.2.2 James Heaton to David Heaton, July 2nd , 1847.

1991.2.3 James Heaton to James Heaton, Jr, Middletown,Ohio  August 9th 1836.

1991.2.4 Mary Heaton to Jane Brookfield, October 15 1825.

L1997.1.1 Central Indiana (Ladoga)  Normal School, Bulletin, illus., n.d. [1880s], printed Crawfordsville.

L2004.1.1 Central Indiana Normal School (Ladoga), Normal Herald, No. 14 (October 1888), 16pp.


Box 94 Documents on Loan from National City Bank, Federal Deeds to land sold at Crawfordsville Land Office.

L00.24.1-3 Title Deeds of Isaac Elston, printed 1840, to Michigan Road Lands, Laporte County, purchased 1833.

L00.24.4 Title Deed of Amzy Logan, Parke County, to 88 acres, purchased 1831.

L00.24.5 Title Deed of Jacob Christman, Montgomery County, to 88 acres, purchased 1831.

L00.24.6-8 Title Deed of William M Elston to eighty acres in Clinton County,  forty acres in Parke County, forty acres in Montgomery County, purchased 1838.

L00.24.6.9-10 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to parcels of two hundred and forty acres and forty four in Clinton County, purchased 1838.

L00.24.6.11, 16, 18-9, 25-6 Title Deeds of Isaac Elston to several eighty acre parcels, purchased 1830.

L00.24.6.12-14, 28-29, 31-2 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to a one hundred and sixty, five eighty acre, and one ninety-eighty acre parcels in Laporte County, purchased 1831.

L00.24.6.15, 17, 27, 30 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to parcels of eighty acres and forty acres, purchased 1834

L00.24.6.20, 22-3, 34, 42 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to parcels of one hundred and sixty and eighty acres in Montgomery County, purchased 1837.

L00.24.6.21 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to eighty acres in Montgomery County, purchased 1838.

L00.24.6.24 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to one hundred and fifty four acres, purchased 1831, and sold to Elmer Emmons. Signed by I.C. Elston

L00.24.6.33 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to eighty acres in Laporte County, purchased 1833.

L00.24.6.35, 37 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to parcels of ninety three and one hundred and sixty acres in Boone County, purchased 1838.

L00.24.6.36 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to forty four acres in Boone County, purchased 1837.

L00.24.6.38-40 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to lots of eighty and one hundred and sixty acres, Carroll County, purchased 1837-8.

L00.24.6.41 Title Deed of James Peterson to parcel of forty acres, Fountain County, purchased 1837.

L00.24.6.43, 45 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to parcels of five hundred and sixty and one hundred and sixty acres in Fountain County, purchased 1838.

L00.24.6.46-7 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to parcels of sixty four and forty acres in Fountain County, purchased 1840.

L00.24.6.48-50 Title Deed of Isaac Elston to parcels of eighty and forty acres in Clinton County, purchased 1838.


Box 95 Miscellaneous Documents

1988.1.53 Crawfordsville High School Dilpoma for Josephine Milligan Fullenwider, 8th June, 1888.

2005.1.68 Certificate acknowledging Elizabeth Ellington was a Notary Public for Hendricks County in the State of Indiana for a four-year term beginning on October 24, 1878.

2007.22.1 Railroad Related Document , Travel Logs for Trip 1 From Cincinnati to Lafayette, Trip 6 from Terre Haute to Cincinnati.

2007.2.2 Railroad Related Document , Travel Logs for Trip 2 From Lafayette to Louisville, Trip 3 from Louisville to Portsmouth.


Box 98

55.1757 Scrapbook of William Lewis, Alamo Indiana, early 1860s.

55.1758 Scrapbook of James F. White, Crawfordsville, relating to his naval training and subsequent service 1952-5 on the USS Leyte.

2011.1.1 Scrapbook of Zeda Martin, Crawfordsville, late 1880s.

2011.1.2 Scrapbook of Ivy Carlson, Crawfordsville, 1893


Box 99

R55.740 Copy of Williamson Dunn and Ambrose Whitlock to William H Crawford, Secretary of Treasury, June 16th 1821, regarding moving the Land Office to Crawfordsville.

Uncatalogued—copies of historical documents relating to the career of Henry S Lane. Sources include Robert Todd Lincoln Collection of Lincoln Presidential Papers, 1860-65; Andrew Johnson Papers, 1866; James Garfield Papers, 1881; and the Lane and Elston Papers, Indiana Historical Society, 1846-1931.


Box 102

55.735 Title Deed of Ezra Little, to parcel of forty acres, purchased at Crawfordsville , dated 15th May, 1837.

55.736 Title Deed of Ezra Little, to parcel of forty acres, purchased at Crawfordsville , dated 3rd March, 1831

55.737 Title Deed of Ezra Little, to parcel of one hundred and sixty acres, purchased at Crawfordsville , dated Ist July, 1831.

00.21.1 Title Deed of Thomas Hewitt, to parcel of eighty acres in Stockwell vicinity, purchased at Crawfordsville , dated 10th April, 1829.

00.21.2 Title Deed of William MIchael, to parcel of forty acres, purchased at Crawfordsville , dated 10th September, 1838.

00.21.3 Title Deed of Martin Bowers, Jr., to parcel of forty acres, purchased at Crawfordsville , dated 30th October, 1834.

00.21.4 Title Deed of Pleasant Field, to parcel of one hundred and sixty acres, purchased at Crawfordsville , dated 2nd April, 1829.

2009.1.1 Title Deed of Isaac Armstrong to 160 acres, purchased at Crawfordsville 13th March 1837.

2011.3.1 Title Deed of James Mundell, to parcel of seventy acres, purchased at Crawfordsville , dated 30th January, 1828.


Box 103 Miscellaneous

55.1621.1-2 Thomas Paxton to Blair Taylor, January 18th, 1929.

55.1626.1-6 WWII War Ration Books and Stamps, Ernest A Wilkinsom.

2014.6.10-34 WWII related forms and correspondence dealing with the military service of Sgt. Herbert M Fruits of New Richmond in the 811th Tank Destroyer Battalion from 1942-46. Included are details related to his service and provisional MIA status in Normandy, as well as discharge papers.


Box 105 Miscellaneous

2014.2.4 1921-2 Scrapbook/Diary of Ellen B Long, Crawfordsville.

2014.2.5 1922-3 Diary of Ellen B Long, Crawfordsville.

2014.2.6 1949 Diary of Ellen B Long, Crawfordsville wife/mother, dealing with all manner of day to day events.

2014.2.7 Memo book belonging to Ellen B Long, events in Crawfordsville 1958.


Box 106 Miscellaneous

2008.1.3 Cyphering book of Samuel Harshbarger, November 1813-1819. Clothbound.


Box 107 


Documents relating to June Eddingfield, who grew up in Montgomery County before 1917.

Financial documents relating to Frank Little of Linden, 1903-21.


Box 108

2008.2.76 Anonymous account, by male youth from Sugar Creek area, of first week at Danville school in 1898 after the school he was attending had closed. 5pp.

2008.2.77 Anonymous account of Sugar Creek in 1890s by unknown male. 4pp

2008.2.78 Certificate of Membership of Nathan and Martha Turnipseed in the Potato Creek Methodist Church, August 29th, 1908.


Box 109 Lane Family

55.233   Invitation to the Inaugural Ball for Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, March 4th, 1865 written out to Mrs. Eva Elston.

55.1290.2-3 Reminiscences of Joanna S Lane, mostly relating to Civil War years in Washington DC. 1909.

55.1679 Joanna Lane to Bertha Test, March 20 1901.

55.1681 Letter fragment, Joanna Lane to Julia Shearman, n.d.

55.1682 Jennie ? to Dick ?, n.d.

55.1694 Governor Conrad Baker to Henry S Lane, August 17th, 1869.

55.1695 ?? to Mrs Elston, n.d.

55.1696 Susan Wallace, “A Fair Client’s Story,” Magazine clipping December 1874, later reprinted in Bosporus and Other Stories (1898).

1991.1.1 Funeral Invitation for Sylvia Elston, May 25 1848.

2007.A.1 Character reference for Anna Wilson, by Susan E Wallace, July 1894.

2007 A.2.1-2 Joanna Lane to Montgomery Country Historical Society December 10, 1913. Includes list of books donated to the society.

2007 A.4.1 Henry S Lane to ??, Mentor, Ohio June 26, 1880. Acknowledges receipt of letter. Signed.

2007 A.5. Proclamation of Election of Henry S Lane to US House of Representatives by Governor David Wallace. August 26th, 1840. Signed by David Wallace.

2007 A.6 Speech of Hon. Henry S. Lane of Indiana on the Discharge of State Prisoners. Printed from Congressional Record, n.d. 16pp.

2007.A.7 Letter to Harry Taylor from Lew Wallace, September 4 1889. Signed.

2007.A.8.1-20 Recipes found in Lane Place Cook Book c.1886.

2007.A.9 Joanna Lane’s Speech to the Volunteers  for the Mexican War, 1pp, dated and signed May 1846.

2007 A.10 Citizens of Edgar County, Illinois to Henry S Lane, October 1854.. Includes twenty signatures,, asking for him to address them on the Kansas question.

2007 A.11 Invitation to Governor Henry S Lane to attend Gubernatorial meeting in New York, February 6, 1861. Signed by Governor Edwin D Morgan of New York.

2007 A.12 Family register of Helen Elston Smith’s paternal relatives., the Smiths, of Rushville, PA.

2007.A.27 Reward of Merit awarded to W.B. Jameson, sister of Pamela Lane, Kentucky May 1837.

2007.A.28 Programme for the Celebration Today…. July 4th 1877, held at Wabash College. Includes details regarding the Independence Day officers and marchers.

2007 A.29 Certificate of Purchase of Lot 71, Section 8 at Oak Hill Cemetary, by A H Blair, October 26 1875.


Box 110 Miscellaneous Documents

55.443 Handwritten section on the back of mid-nineteenth century portrait of Anderson Johnston.

55.1043. WWII ration books for the Morrison family of 215 E. Wabash, Crawfordsville IN.

2007.A.15 Confederate States Almanac for the Year of our Lord 1864. Atlanta. J. McPherson & Co.

2007.A.16 Stamped envelope taken from the body of a Confederate soldier at the Battle of Stone River, December 30 1862 by JC Thomas. Envelope has Scott 1a 5 cents.

2007.A.18 Unites States Agricultural Department. Bi-Monthly Report, April and May 1864. Washington: Government Printer.


2007.A.20 John Thomas Harrell to wife and children, Alabama , July 1862. Letter home from Crawfordsville Union soldier.

2007.A.21.1-3 Mortgage Documents relating to the sale of a property in Vanderburg County, Indiana, from Mr and Mrs Samuel Litchfield to Thomas Smith, 19 December 1878.

2007.A.23 Tippcanoe County Civil War recruiting broadside, n.d.

2007 A.24 John Gilliland's "class" and "schedule" April 1836, for his school in Crawfordsville. Lists names of students, who include William Nicholson. Illegible notes added July 1848

2007.A.26.1-4 WWII ration books for the Bowers family of Crawfordsville.


Box 111 Miscellaneous Documents

2005.1.67 Benjamin F White to Israel H White, View Market Virginia, April 21 1862. Written by member of Indiana 27th Regiment during the Peninsula Campaign vs forces of Stonewall Jackson

2005.1.69-73 Teacher’s Contract. Lola B White and Montgomery County Schools. September 1904. Teacher’s License Lola B White, 1903-4. 1905, 1906 Graduation ceremonies, Scott Township Montgomery County.

2005.1.74-82 White Family Genealogy documents. White family, Scott Township, Montgomery County.

2011.8.1 Map of old Crawfordsville power plant. 1945

2011.8.2 Machinery Book, Crawfordsville Water Works, January 1913-November 1914. Lists various kinds of machinery, equipment in use at the plant.

2011.8.4 Report of Mayoral Committee on Water Works, December 18, 1886.


Box 136 Oversize

55.1290.4 Obituaries of Henry S Lane and Samuel Willson, Indianapolis Journal, June 22nd, 1881.

55.1900 Circular, kaleidoscope-style Valentine, given by Ebenezer Grubb to Anna Young, Ross Co., Ohio, February 1824.

55.1904 Marriage License. George Spencer and Lula Rogers, September 20th, 1891.

55.1905 Calendar. 1942. Complimentary Calendar, Elston Bank and Trust Company, featuring color photo of Lane Place.

55.1909 Poster. “Henry S Lane, In Memorium,” Montgomery County Bar, June 20th, 1881.

55.1921 Montgomery County Probate Court, February 16th, 1837. Deed of sale of 4 acre lot in Crawfordsville by Charity Canine to Andrew Allred.

1996.1.1-2 Diplomas of Verna Ellen Lyon, New Richmond High School, 1927, and Danville Normal College, 1931.

2015.1.1 Crawfordsville High School Diploma, John W Rice, 23rd June, 1898.


Box 141 Scrapbooks and Bibles

55.1247 1890s Scrapbook, consisting mainly of clippings and advertisements.

55.1248 Scrapbook consisting mainly of color advertisements, including many racist artificacts, c.1880s.

55.1295 Scrapbook/Ledger, 1858-1910. Commercial Ledger from Crawfordsville 1858, showing names of customers with surnames C-D, and K. Most of pages pasted over with clippings, 1870s.

1940.1.1 Ledger. Major Ambrose Whitlock, US Army Paymaster, 1802-1817. Includes all payments made during Indiana campaign of the War of 1812.

2005.2.1 Illustrated Bible printed in German, Nuremberg, 1765. Harshbarger family Bible.

2007.L.095 "Holy Bible" published by M. Carey & Son, Philadelphia. 1817. William and Frances Fitzpatrick family Bible.


Research Documents Held by the Montgomery County Historical Society 

R10 Records and Correspondence of the Lane Family. Binder. Presented to Montgomery Co. Historical Society by May Stone, October 1949.

Includes typed correspondence of Henry S Lane, Pamela Lane, and Joanna Lane to family members in Kentucky, 1834-61; photographs of Lane family residences and graves in Kentucky; and also a complete genealogy of the Lane family and ancestors dating to their emigration to Maryland in 1636.

R12 John Beard—Crawfordsville educator

Misc newspaper clippings

R20 Binford Family—Crawfordsville founders

Miscellaneous and extensive set of newspaper clippings, genealogy, census copies dealing with the Binfords.

R30 Aaron and Helen Blair

Copies of correspondence, newspaper clippings, 1860s.

R40 William Bratton, of Crawfordsville

Documents relating to the historical marker erected for William Bratton of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

R50 George S Brower—Crawfordsville craftsman and inventor

Copies of materials relating to George Brower, c. 1870s-1890s 

R60 Cantrell,  Martha, Director MCHS

Correspondence on research topics relating to Lane Place and Montgomery Co, 1982-7.

R65 Jedediah Carter

Civil War Service document of Jedediah Carter of Crawfordsville in 22nd Indiana Infantry

R70 Helen Collar

Documents relating to Helen Collar’s booklet, “Sugar Creek Through the Years and How it Developed,”published by MCHS 1993. 

R80 “History of 1000 W Main Street,” anon, n.d., 3pp.

R90 James B Elmore, the Bard of Alamo.

Newspaper clipping, n.d.

R100   Elston Family, Quit Claim Documents

Land Title Abstracts and other materials relating to the ownership and disposal of various parts of Elston Grove by members of the Lane and Wallace families, 1830-1945

R110 Elston , Maria Evelyn Akin

Copies of obituaries from local newspapers

R120 Elston, Isaac Compton (1794-1867)

Misc copies of documents, clippings, relating to the life of Maj Isaac Elston and his servants.

R130 Elston family

Documents relating to Montgomery Co. Genealogy Club presentation, Tamara Hemmerlein, January 2011.

R140 Elston , Isaac C. Jr., 1873-64

Includes biographical material relating to his life as a financier in Chicago

R150 Research Elston Family

Genealogical and other research on Elston family, mid-1980s

R160 Elston Family Newspaper Documents

Misc copies of Crawfordsville newspaper clippings relating to the Elstons, 1834-1980s 

R170 Susan Wallace, Presentation to Sultan Abdul Medjid

Copies of various clippings, correspondence relating to Mrs Wallace’s meeting with the Sultan in 1882. 

R180 Jesse Green of Crawfordsville, 1868-1923

Genealogical information, clippings 

R185 William Henry Harrison

Newspaper clippings from 1835-6 relating to future President W.H. Harrison

R190 Harshbarger Family

Genealogical information relating to the Harshbarger Family of Montgomery Co. Incl a graduation essay of Cora Harshbarger, 1896.

R200 Hiatt, William

Genealogical information relating to the descendants of William Hiatt (b. 1852) of Crawfordsville

R205 Bernard E Manker, “Letters of Mary Hannah Krout,” Typescript, 1996. 19pp.

R210 Janet Lambert (author ) 1894-1976.

“Thanks for the Memories,” Janet Lambert, typescript 1974, 4pp.

R220 Joanna Lane 1826-1914. File includes:

“Speech Made by Joanna Lane from Balcony of Lane Place to a Company led by Mr Lane to the Mexican War….” 1846. Typescript, 1p.

“Memories of Lincoln,” n.d. Joanna Lane, typescript, 5pp.

Copies of miscellaneous correspondence, 1849-96; obituaries.

R230 Census Records, Lane Family

Copies, 1820-1930.

R240 Henry S. Lane, 1811-81

Extensive files include copies of correspondence from Indiana University, Indiana Historical Society, Lincoln Papers, etc; copies of biographical accounts in nineteenth century publications; newspaper accounts of speeches made in US Senate 1861-7; correspondence with family members 1842ff; obituaries; Civil War speeches and clippings; appointment by President Grant to Bureau of Indian Affairs 1869; a speech to the people of Montgomery County regarding the Mexican question, 1846; Odd Fellows Membership; local newspaper articles 1835ff;  

R250 Pamela Bledsoe Lane

Obituary 1842

R260 Lewis Family of Montgomery County

R270 Abraham Lincoln

Misc newspaper clippinghs, ephemera, portrayals of Lincoln at Strawberry Festival  events.

R272 Mahlon Manson

Misc clippings, copies 

R277 Morgan, William H. Confederate General

Copies of material relating to Indiana raids

R280 Gov. James Atwell Mount

Misc newspaper clippings

R290 Isaac Naylor of Crawfordsville

Misc newspaper copies, 1834ff

R300 Peffley Family

Genealogical information copied from 1963.1.1 – Peffley family bible.

R310 “Warren Pierces letter home to Crawfordsville 1 September 1945 upon the ship where the Japanese sumendered in WWII.”

R320 Ernie Pyle

1995 Commemorative material

R330 Roxie Remley, Darlington, WWII veteran account

R340 Helen Elson Smith, 1867-1939

Includes correspondence relating to her 1887 sale of stolen John Wilkes Booth memorabilia; inventories of property left to the MCHS; her mortgaging of Lane Plane to the Elston Bank; the transfer of Lane Place to MCHS; correspondence with her trustee, Blair Taylor in the 1930s; bills relating to unpaid debts;  documents relating to the transfer of Lane Place to the MCHS 1930-4; and early MCHS inventories.

R350 Charity Smith house

Photographic negatives 

R370 John Allen Speed / Speed Cabin

Copies of census records, official documents relating to John Allen Speed; research into Montgomery Co. Underground Railroad; transfer of Speed Cabin to Lane Place; restoration photos; registration with National Parks Underground Railroad network.

R374 Homer Stonebraker, Wingate Indiana

R375 Daniel Stover, of Crawfordsville

1847 Certificate as Member of Sons of Temperance

R376 Hannah Gilkey, of Crawfordsville

1891 Obituary

R380 Oren Edgar Summers, of Ladoga

Genealogical and copies relating to the life of Detroit Tigers pitcher.

R390 BlairTaylor, 1894-1955

Obituary; minutes of MCHS meeting  1932

R400 James Maurice Thompson, 1844-1901

Misc newspaper clippings

R410 Maurice Thompson

Misc clippings, and material related to home at Sherwood Place, Crawfordsville

R420 Turnipseed Family

Genealogical material on Turnipseed family and their bequest to the MCHS 1985

R430 Joseph Farrand Tuttle, of Wabash College

Letter to Henry S Lane, July 30 1874

R435 Henry Lane Wallace

Misc newspaper clippings, copies of letter regarding his death

R440 Lew Wallace

Copies of Crawfordsville newspaper articles, 1850s, misc correspondence, ephemera from Lew Wallace Study

R450 Susan Wallace, 1830-

Materials collected by Martha Cantrell in her biographical research into Susan Wallace—notes, copies of correspondence, misc drafts 

R458 Maureen Dallas Watkins

Newspaper clippings relating to her careeron Tin Pan Alley

R460 Waugh Family, Montgomery County

Genealogical information on Waugh family in re to application for DAR membership in 1940s.

R470 Ambrose Whitlock

Misc documents found and used by Martha Cantrell for research into Ambrose Whitlock and family

R480 James and Emma Wilson, of Crawfordsville

Misc copied documents relating to Wilsons, business associates and close friends of the Lanes

R490 Civil War Letter from Harmony Williams to Daniel Yount, October 1st, 1861


Transcripts—Indiana Heritage Research Grant Interviews 1986-7

R500 Interview with Joe and Harriet Allen, Crawfordsville, June 1986, by John Horner and Martha Cantrell. 5pp.

R501 Interview with John Clements, Crawfordsville, by Martha Cantrell and Jean Thompson, August 11, 1986. 28pp.

R502 Transcript of Award given to Joe Allen, Strawberry Festival, June 14, 1986. 3pp.

R503 Interview with Irwin Lee Detchon, Crawfordsville, by Jean Thompson and Mary Early Johnson, May 8, 1987. 12pp.

R504 Interview with Olen Gowens, Crawfordsville, by Janice Clauser, March 16, 1987, relating to the restoration of Lane Place. 12pp.

R505 Interview with Margaret Loop Howell, Crawfordsville, by Jean Thompson and Janice Clauser, July 12th, 1987. 12pp.

R506 Interview with Lena Mitchell, Ladoga, by Pat Cline, June 1986. 12pp.

R507 Interview with Vivian Pickering, Crawfordsville, by Jean Thompson, April 11th, 1987. 9pp.

R508 Interview with Mary Ann Salter, Crawfordsville, by Jean Thompson and Janice Clauser, June 19th, 1987. 23pp.

R509 Interview with Elizabeth Clements Sharpless, Crawfordsville, by Martha Cantrell, November 10th, 1986. 29pp.

R510 Interview with Eva Williamson, Crawfordsville, by Dorothy Jones, March 17th, 1987. 7pp.

R511 Interview with Mimi and Chapman Young, Crawfordsville, by Martha Cantrell and Janice Clauser, September 20th, 1986. 15pp.

R512 Interview with Mary Elizabeth Bowers, Crawfordsville, by Jean Thompson and Martha Cantrell, August 14th, 1986. 27pp.

R513 Interview with Caroline Banta, Crawfordsville, by Martha Cantrell, August 8th, 1986. 25pp.

R514 Interview with Florence Elston Beemer, Chicago, by Martha Cantrell and Janice Clauser, October 3rd, 1986. 18pp.

R515 Interview with Lee Detchon and John Clements, Crawfordsville, by  Janice Clauser, October 10th, 1986. 4pp.

R516 Interview with Eleanor Herr, Crawfordsville, by Martha Cantrell and Janice Clauser, September 5th, 1986. 12pp.

R517 Interview with Mary Whittington Manson, Crawfordsville, by Martha Cantrell and Jean Thompson, October 31st, 1986. 20pp.

R518 Interview with Marjorie and Reed MacBain, Crawfordsville, by Jean Thompson and Janice Clauser, November 18th, 1986. 45pp.

R519 Interview with Genevieve Patton Morrison, Crawfordsville, by Janice Clauser, October 21st, 1987. 8pp.

R520 Interview with Curators of Lane Plane, Crawfordsville, by Jean Thompson, March 17, 1987, 9pp.

R521 Interview with Mary Virgina Crabbs Shaw, Crawfordsville, by Martha Cantrell and Janice Clauser September 30th, 1986. 18pp.

R522 Interview with John Wyatt, Crawfordsville, by Martha Cantrell, August 6th, 1986. 5pp.

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